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Our Story
Situated in the heart of the Macassar/Deep Freeze community is Bundles of Joy, a daycare center that nurtures tomorrow’s leaders by taking a serious approach to enable children to learn through play.
Bundles of Joy’s founder, Mary Wales has noticed children growing up in poverty-stricken communities of Deep Freeze and Macassar area. Children playing in the streets unattended during the time when children were most vulnerable and suppose to receive a quality education. Armed by this and with the age-old African proverb – “IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO RAISE A CHILD”, Mary’s idea of opening an Early Childhood Development Centre was birthed at heart. She believed that every child has the right to be fed, cared for, and a quality education which led her to the beginning roots of Bundles of Joy in 2015.
Established in a new building on September 2020, Bundles of Joy has evolved into a key pillar of the community, providing a safe, nurturing environment for children ages 3 months to 6 years.
All Bundle of Joy educators are responsible to execute a learning plan to ensure that kids achieve their developmental milestones, expose kids to a range of topics about the world around them, and prepare them for Grade 1.
Some of Bundles of Joy’s extracurricular activities include Music and Dance Classes for kids 3 months to Grade R, Computer Classes for kids aged 2 to 6 years, and Robotic and Coding Classes for Grade RR and Grade R learners (this is also part of the current CAPS curriculum).
Everyone (including the teachers) participates in the annual concert which is the highlight for parents, kids, and educators alike.
In addition to a well-structured learning environment, children also receive a healthy breakfast, hot lunch, and snacks every day.
All our kids wear their school uniform with pride.
This uniform levels the playing field for children from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
Our Vision
To give quality education to underprivileged children in our communities and in South Africa, and also to unlock the limitless potential in every child.
Our Mission
Creating a holistic and safe environment for every child to develop physically, emotionally, and socially.
Giving every child the space for creative and imaginative play to explore and develop their self-esteem and identity.

Problem Statement
- Number of children not in school
- Cost of quality education
- The average income for low-income communities
- Quality of education for kids starting school
(Highlight the difference between schools in ‘privileged” communities and low-income - Number of children that don’t have access to quality education

The Ask!
With all the above stated, we at Bundles of Joy hereby request your financial support to help us to continue to do the incredible work of creating a better future for the children in our communities in South Africa.
A work we consider a privilege to do by helping shape the hearts and minds of our beautiful children. Giving every child the opportunity and the tools to dream bigger.
Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best.
– Bob Talbert

Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn.
– O. Fred Donaldson